Monday, October 6, 2014

Working Conditions in the Mills, U.S. vs. England

The working conditions in both England and Lowell were bad. However, it was worse in England due to many reasons. First, England came into the Industrial Revolution before Lowell thus having more time for the factories to start heading into squalor. Another reason is that the men who created the Lowell mills observed the English mills and tried to correct their mistakes. The Lowell experiment as it was called did not succeed as well as the creators had hoped, the workers were still treated badly and received low wages. Also, the Lowell mills had boarding houses nearby for the workers to live in, while in England most of the workers were living in squalor in the streets. In England, the workers had to wake up earlier, work later and didn't have designated eating times, as opposed to the breakfast lunch and dinner breaks the workers in the Lowell mills got. Finally, when the Lowell mill worker's wages got cut, they protested against it and it eventually paid off. To find out more about the Lowell Mills you can check it out here

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